Color Spaces and Standard Illuminants
For conversion to and from XYZ, xyY, L*a*b*, and L*u*v*, the following color spaces and standard illuminants have XYZ transformation matrices and reference white point vectors available:
Color Space | Standard Illuminants |
sRGB | D65, D50 |
CIE RGB | E, D50 |
Adobe RGB | D65, D50 |
Apple RGB | D65, D50 |
Best RGB | D50 |
Bruce RGB | D65, D50 |
ColorMatch RGB | D50 |
Don RGB 4 | D50 |
ECI RGB v2 | D50 |
Ekta Space PS5 | D50 |
NTSC RGB | C, D50 |
PAL / SECAM RGB | D65, D50 |
ProPhoto RGB | D50 |
SMPTE-C RGB | D65, D50 |
Wide Gamut RGB | D50 |
Color spaces and standard illuminant arguments are case-insensitive. Color space argument ignores any character not alphanumeric. Some common misspellings / words left out are also taken into account. (PAL / SECAM
is equivalent to palsecamrgb