Gradient Scales
Generate an array of colors from color1 to color2. Methods available are rgb
, hsv
, hsl
, hsi
, hsp
, and cmyk
color2: colorType, // REQUIRED, second color, of any type, to blend with
colors: number, // REQUIRED, number of colors to be returned, must be > 2
method: string, // optional, defaults to 'rgb'
round: boolean // optional, defaults to true
Gradient Methodsโ
method | description |
rgb | Blends each RGBA value |
hsv | Blends each HSVA value |
hsl | Blends each HSLA value |
hsp | Blends each HSPA value |
cmyk | Blends each CMYK value |
lab | Blends each L*a*b* value |
luv | Blends each L*u*v* value |
hue | Blends hue only |
value | Blends value (HSV) only |
lightness | Blends lightness (HSL) only |
intensity | Blends intensity (HSI) only |
perceivedbrightness | Blends perceived brightness (HSP) only |
screen | RGB values are inverted, multiplied, then inverted again |
multiply | RGB values are multiplied |
overlay | Screen or multiply depending on whether second color values are lighter or darker |
softlight | Similar to overlay; uses W3C formula |
divide | First color values divided by second |
subtraction | Second color values subtracted from first color |
difference | Difference between each value pair |
colorburn | Divites inverted bottom layer by top layer |
colordodge | Divides bottom layer by inverted top layer |
vividlight | Color dodge or burn, depending on which value is lighter |
linearburn | Sums each value pair and subtracts 1 |
lineardodge | Sums each value pair |
linearlight | Linear dodge or burn, depending on which value is lighter |
const Color = require('chromaticity-color-utilities')
const gradient1 = Color.from('rgb', [255, 0, 255]).scheme('gradient', {
with: Color.from('hex', 0x00ff00),
colors: 5,
// [
// rgb { r: 255, g: 0, b: 255, a: 255, bitDepth: 8, max: 255 },
// rgb { r: 191, g: 64, b: 191, a: 255, bitDepth: 8, max: 255 },
// rgb { r: 128, g: 128, b: 128, a: 255, bitDepth: 8, max: 255 },
// rgb { r: 64, g: 191, b: 64, a: 255, bitDepth: 8, max: 255 },
// rgb { r: 0, g: 255, b: 0, a: 255, bitDepth: 8, max: 255 }
// ]
const gradient1 = Color.from('rgb', [255, 0, 255]).scheme('gradient', {
with: Color.from('hex', '00ff00'),
colors: 5,
method: 'hsv',
// [
// rgb { r: 255, g: 0, b: 255, a: 255, bitDepth: 8, max: 255 },
// rgb { r: 64, g: 0, b: 255, a: 255, bitDepth: 8, max: 255 },
// rgb { r: 0, g: 128, b: 255, a: 255, bitDepth: 8, max: 255 },
// rgb { r: 0, g: 255, b: 191, a: 255, bitDepth: 8, max: 255 },
// rgb { r: 0, g: 255, b: 0, a: 255, bitDepth: 8, max: 255 }
// ]
import Color from 'chromaticity-color-utilities'
const gradient1: Color.rgb[] = Color.from('rgb', [255, 0, 255]).scheme(
with: Color.from('hex', 0x00ff00),
colors: 5,